Tuesday, July 12, 2011

JBoss AS7 Wicked Fast Startup, But Has Serious Deal Breaker ?

The new JBoss AS7 Release definitely has a blazingly fast startup. When I ran it for the first time:

14:26:24,770 INFO  [org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread) JBoss AS 7.0.0.Final "Lightning" started in 1489ms

And not for nothing, it has a wicked fast shutdown too !

14:39:03,703 INFO  [org.jboss.as] JBoss AS 7.0.0.Final "Lightning" stopped in 7ms

A colleague commented:

"Yes, I've already been heckling the Tomcat guys, since they staked all their arguments on startup times. :)"

So that's all very exciting (I mean the whole AS7) but I have to say that the one deal breaker is the absence of JMX-Console. (Note: I might be wrong here, but it sure doesn't look like its in there) For those not in the know, this is a very spartan, but genius and super functional admin and development console for JBoss AS. I always loved the darn thing. It cuts straight to the chase giving you the info and operation invocation links you need without any of the fluff other application servers seem to insist on putting in.

The JNDIViewer alone was incredibly useful and if more widely used would preempt a bunch a problems because developers can actually see what's bound in JNDI !  What a concept !

So has JMX been eschewed completely ? I seriously doubt it. Uh... wait...  what is that.... 
I mean, I seriously hope not, that's what it is.

At any rate, it seems the platform MBeanServer has a few bits and pieces registered in it, and I suspect (or is it hope ?)  there is more that is optionally configurable.

1 comment:

Max said...

there is the admin console, but then there is also the much more powerful and stricter/safer management api.

This can be scripted in any language, see for example http://vimeo.com/26363489

And yes, I would love a generic "ui browse" of this too - the admin console had a basic one at some point but it was disabled for various reasons - we should try go lobby for it back...at least somewhere ;)