Ci sono riuscito ! First boot up of OpenTSDB using Netty 4.1.
2016-04-02 13:40:14,919 INFO [EpollServerBossThread#1] TSDTCPServer: [id: 0x4a16e893] REGISTERED
2016-04-02 13:40:14,920 INFO [EpollServerBossThread#1] TSDTCPServer: [id: 0x4a16e893] BIND: /
2016-04-02 13:40:14,921 INFO [main] TSDTCPServer: Started [EpollServerSocketChannel] TCP server listening on [/]
Wasn't too bad. Is it stable ? No chance. Still working on it. What follows is a summary of the porting process so far.
- Search and replace "import org.jboss.netty" to "import io.netty" on the whole code base.
That's it .... ha ha. If only ....
- Search and replace "ChannelBuffer" to "ByteBuff" on the whole code base.
- Many of the HTTP related Netty bits have getter methods un-gettified. As I understand it, this is to provide a more pure naming conventions where only attributes supporting a set will have a get. So, for example, getName() becomes name(). For example, I made this change a lot: query.method().getName() to query.method().name().
- There's no ChannelBuffers utility class in Netty 4, so where ever OpenTSDB allocated an ad-hoc buffer, I delegated the call to a simple ByteBuff factory. The buffer options in Netty 4 are much more extensive than in 3, so I am not sure what to do with the factory, but for now it exists as a functional place-holder. The idea is to take advantage of direct and pooled buffers in OpenTSDB so as to reduce heap space utilization and GC.
- Netty 4.1 enforces the channel handler shareability now, so I needed to mark some of the modified handlers as @ChannelHandler.Sharable. Otherwise, you get this: net.opentsdb.tsd.ConnectionManager is not a @Sharable handler, so can't be added or removed multiple times.
- So far, in OpenTSDB that means ConnectionManager, RPCHandler, DetectHttpOrRpc, and PipelineFactory. There's probably a few more I haven't hit yet. Oh, and in some cases, even when I applied the annotation, I got:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: @Sharable annotation is not allowed
- But that was a stupid mistake. DetectHttpOrRpc was a Netty 3 FrameDecoder. I switched to be a ByteToMessageDecoder (which suffers @Sharable not!) but the handler does not actually do any decoding so the more appropriate replacement was SimpleChannelInboundHandler
. - Pooled Buffers come with some baggage. It's not Louis Vuitton, but it should fit comfortably under the seat in from of you. One bit of baggage is this:
14:24:10,729 WARN [EpollServerWorkerThread#1] DefaultChannelPipeline: An exceptionCaught() event was fired, and it reached at the tail of the pipeline. It usually means the last handler in the pipeline did not handle the exception.
io.netty.util.IllegalReferenceCountException: refCnt: 0, decrement: 1
- The issue there was two fold. The Netty 3 version of DetectHttpOrRpc basically looks at the first byte of the incoming buffer to determine if the payload is HTTP or text (Telnet). (Yes, it should probably be called DetectHttpOrTelnet). It makes no relative reads from the buffer, so no bytes are consumed, and when it's done, it returns [a copy of] the full buffer which in Netty 3 FrameDecoder parlance means the buffer was passed to the next handler in the pipeline. However, in Netty 4, once you handle a pooled ByteBuf, you're either done with it, in which case it gets reclaimed by the pool, or you must ByteBuff.retain() it, meaning that it should not be reclaimed and it will be passed as is to the next handler in the pipeline. Phrase to live by..... "retain it or lose it"
- The other issue was.... Netty 4 handlers don't typically return stuff. They used to in Netty 3, but the pipelines are now less hole-ey. In short, to send the (retained) ByteBuff to the next handler in this case, you call ChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(byteBuff).
- Right now I am trying to figure out what to do with the HTTP request handling. Netty 4 breaks up the old HttpRequest (iface) and DefaultHttpRequest (impl) into a vast hierarchy of types that signify different things depending on when you get them. I think there's an easy way to do this, and then there's the super optimized way of doing it, but it's possible that neither of those is true.
- One last thing.... I initially removed all references to Netty 3 in my dev classpath (Eclipse) so that outdated references would be highlighted and to help with class lookups and what not. However, keep in mind that both ZooKeeper and AsyncHBase both use (at least in OpenTSDB) Netty 3 so without a lot more porting, Netty 3 and Netty 4 need to live side by side for a while. Thanks for changing the package name guys !!!
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